//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// var flashvars = {}; flashvars.skin = 'skins/basic_black/skin.xml'; flashvars.playlistxml = ''; flashvars.autoplay = 'false'; flashvars.volume = '80'; flashvars.shuffle = 'false'; flashvars.key = '';
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// var params = {}; params.allowScriptAccess = 'always';
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// var attributes = {}; attributes.id = 'ep_player1';
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// swfobject.embedSWF( 'ep_player.swf', // the location of the swf file 'ep_container1', // the id of the div to print the player in '400', '350', // the width and height of the player '10.0.0', // the required flash version false, // we've disabled express-install to keep it simple flashvars, params, attributes );